Main > Exhibitions > Supernova
Place: Fossekleiva Kultursenter
Bergerveien 2 Berger 3075 Norway
Time: 11 Feb - 12 Feb 2023
Meet the Ukrainian artist Volodymyr Fillippov in the basement of Fossekleiva 2!
After a week as a guest artist, he shows the mini-exhibition "Supernova".
As a rule, you can always observe supernova images only after some time has passed. Figuratively speaking - "after the fact", that is, when the event that led to their creation has already happened a long time ago, and their radiation reached you at the exhibition many months after their creation. It seems to me that this is why it was unclear for a long time what kind of supernova paintings they were.
And in many ways this nature remains unknown even now. Now you have the opportunity to take a few steps closer to new works. I propose to see some of my new paintings, made during 10 days in February at the studio at Fossekleiva cultural centre.
When we meet, we will be able to talk about what leads to such flashes of consciousness. You will immediately be able to understand the nature of the supernova spot on the sheet, although the basic provisions of this phenomenon are already quite clear to you. We can exchange views and at that moment there will be another explosion of supernova energy.